
Schon seit Jahrhunderten stützt sich die Ayurvedische Gesundheitslehre auf den Einsatz von Pfanzenextrakten wie Kurkuma, Galangal oder Boswellia Serata. Diese werden vor allem in Bereichen der Bewegung und Mobilität eingesetzt. Die Aufnahme von dieser Pflanzenstoffe in unserem Körper ist jedoch durch Ihre speziellen bio-chemische Verbindungen nur beding möglich. Durch neueste Technologie wurde dies Hürde nun überwunden und in einem erfrischenden Getränk verfügbar gemacht.

  • Bones & Joints

What is unique about AgileYu

The potential of many active ingredients from plants or spices cannot be fully utilised by our body due to their aqueous solubility, low systemic bioavailability and rapid metabolic changes. Hydrophilic molecules (water-loving) have the ability to easily dissolve in our stomach and intestines but are poorly absorbed and often excreted unused. Hydrophobic molecules are sparingly soluble, but more easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Using a new, innovative process, the valuable botanicals in AgileYU, such as turmeric, were enclosed in a novel layered matrix, thereby improving solubility, stability and most importantly, greatly enhanced efficacy in our body.

Synergetic Effect

Joint & muscle mobility

An increased tendency to inflammation is often reported in connection with over-acidification of the body (latent acidosis). Parts of the connective tissue are often affected, such as joint inflammation (arthritis). As a synergetic concept to AgileYU, SliepGood not only promotes the balance of the acid-base balance, but also supports the regeneration and normal function of the muscles. The minerals and trace elements in SliepGood also provide the important ingredients that are generally considered to be essential for the bones and our musculoskeletal system.

AgileYU Ingredients

  • Boswellia Serrata

    Boswellia Serrata

    Boswellia is the generic name of a number of balsam tree plants, including the species Boswellia Serrata Rox, which occurs mainly in India, belonging to the Indian frankincense tree. The resin of this tree - called "salai guggal" in India. The resin consists of mucilage, essential oil and resin acids. In the Ayurveda Journal "Journal for a Healthier Life" (Ayurveda Journal 39 • Pages 55 - 57), Professor Dr. Ammon points to the usage during the antique. Her refers to “olibanum used by doctors such as Hippocrates or Galen for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the gastrointestinal tract or the respiratory tract.”

    Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion
  • Kaempferia Galangal

    Kaempferia Galangal

    Galangal or the "Galant" came to Europe from Southeast Asia. As soon as the galangal arrived in Europe, its triumphal march seemed to never end. Numerous sources from the Middle Ages and modern times prove that both the healers and their patients greatly appreciated the efficacy of the plant. The universal scholar Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179 AD) regarded the galangal as one of the most important plants, which is why it is one of the best-known Hildegard spices - together with Bertram, Quendel and Hyssop. The nun described the galangal as the "spice of life", which was sent directly by God to ward off diseases - especially heart and gastrointestinal complaints¹. Studies on Galangal mainly consider the possible positive effect as an antioxidant and the antimicrobial effect².

    • Claudia Liath, "Der grüne Hain", Books on Demand; 1. Auflage, 25. Juni 2012
    • AR Srividya et al, "Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Alpinia officinarum, Indian J Pharm Sci, Februar 2010, (Antioxidative und antimikrobielle Wirkung von Alpinia officinarum)
    Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion
  • Turmeric


    When it comes to Indian spices, turmeric is certainly on the top 3 list; turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Modern science has taken on this ancient medicinal plant and discovered effective ingredients in the roots of the spice. It is therefore one of the internationally recognized medicinal plants today. Turmeric owes its potential breadth of health benefits to its essential oil, which contains the terpenes phellandren, cineole and borneol. Other ingredients are turmerol, caproic acid and curcuminoids. According to recent studies, the colouring agents (curcuminoids) of the yellow-root have anti-inflammatory (anti-phlogistic), anti-virus (anti-viral), bacteria (anti-bacterial) and anti-oxidative effects, i.e. they intercept free radicals (aggressive oxygen compounds), as you know from vitamins C and E. The latter is suggested to prevent cell aging.⁷'⁸.

    • 7. Dr. K.M. Nadkarnis, Indian Materia Medica
    • 8. Zoller A., Nordwig H., Heilpflanzen der Ayurvedamedizin
    Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion
  • Pepper Extract

    Pepper Extract

    Black pepper is a spice that we can hardly imagine not being part of our kitchen. According to tradition, pepper was an ideal long-distance trade good (due to its sharpness and long shelf life) from ancient Southwest India, which mainly came to Europe by land. It is also considered applies as one of the oldest ancient spices. In the Middle Ages, the Turks, and Arabs (and later Venice) watched over the monopoly in the spice trade with India. Black pepper has a very special place in Ayurvedic health. In Trikatu Churna, a herbal formulation made from black pepper (Piper Nigrum), long pepper (PIPPALI) - Piper Longum and dried ginger (SONDH) - Zingiber Officinale, "Piperine", according to Azurveda, acts as a natural enhancer of the bioavailability of nutrients.

    Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

AgileYU Ingredients

Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

Boswellia Serrata

Boswellia is the generic name of a number of balsam tree plants, including the species Boswellia Serrata Rox, which occurs mainly in India, belonging to the Indian frankincense tree. The resin of this tree - called "salai guggal" in India. The resin consists of mucilage, essential oil and resin acids. In the Ayurveda Journal "Journal for a Healthier Life" (Ayurveda Journal 39 • Pages 55 - 57), Professor Dr. Ammon points to the usage during the antique. Her refers to “olibanum used by doctors such as Hippocrates or Galen for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the gastrointestinal tract or the respiratory tract.”

Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

Kaempferia Galangal

Galangal or the "Galant" came to Europe from Southeast Asia. As soon as the galangal arrived in Europe, its triumphal march seemed to never end. Numerous sources from the Middle Ages and modern times prove that both the healers and their patients greatly appreciated the efficacy of the plant. The universal scholar Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179 AD) regarded the galangal as one of the most important plants, which is why it is one of the best-known Hildegard spices - together with Bertram, Quendel and Hyssop. The nun described the galangal as the "spice of life", which was sent directly by God to ward off diseases - especially heart and gastrointestinal complaints¹. Studies on Galangal mainly consider the possible positive effect as an antioxidant and the antimicrobial effect².

  • Claudia Liath, "Der grüne Hain", Books on Demand; 1. Auflage, 25. Juni 2012
  • AR Srividya et al, "Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Alpinia officinarum, Indian J Pharm Sci, Februar 2010, (Antioxidative und antimikrobielle Wirkung von Alpinia officinarum)
Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion


When it comes to Indian spices, turmeric is certainly on the top 3 list; turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Modern science has taken on this ancient medicinal plant and discovered effective ingredients in the roots of the spice. It is therefore one of the internationally recognized medicinal plants today. Turmeric owes its potential breadth of health benefits to its essential oil, which contains the terpenes phellandren, cineole and borneol. Other ingredients are turmerol, caproic acid and curcuminoids. According to recent studies, the colouring agents (curcuminoids) of the yellow-root have anti-inflammatory (anti-phlogistic), anti-virus (anti-viral), bacteria (anti-bacterial) and anti-oxidative effects, i.e. they intercept free radicals (aggressive oxygen compounds), as you know from vitamins C and E. The latter is suggested to prevent cell aging.⁷'⁸.

  • 7. Dr. K.M. Nadkarnis, Indian Materia Medica
  • 8. Zoller A., Nordwig H., Heilpflanzen der Ayurvedamedizin
Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

Pepper Extract

Black pepper is a spice that we can hardly imagine not being part of our kitchen. According to tradition, pepper was an ideal long-distance trade good (due to its sharpness and long shelf life) from ancient Southwest India, which mainly came to Europe by land. It is also considered applies as one of the oldest ancient spices. In the Middle Ages, the Turks, and Arabs (and later Venice) watched over the monopoly in the spice trade with India. Black pepper has a very special place in Ayurvedic health. In Trikatu Churna, a herbal formulation made from black pepper (Piper Nigrum), long pepper (PIPPALI) - Piper Longum and dried ginger (SONDH) - Zingiber Officinale, "Piperine", according to Azurveda, acts as a natural enhancer of the bioavailability of nutrients.

Kurkuma Rhizom Extrakt / Turmeric rhizome extract
Ingwer Rhizom Extrakt / Ginger rhizome extract
Weihrauch Gummlharz Extrakt /Frankincense gumresin extract
Schwarzer Pfeffer / Black pepper fruit oil

We are proud to share happy stories

Schwarzwald Baar Kreis, Deutschland

Cocos Divine: Was soll ich sagen, ich bin begeistert. Ich fühle mich irgendwie leichter und sehr wohl. Am Umfang hat sich auch was getan. Ich habe an den Beinen jeweils 1-2cm verloren, an der Taile waren es sogar 3cm und am Bauch 2cm 😊 also wirklich ganz toll und es schmeckt auch wirklich sehr lecker

H. Jonscher
Thurgau - Switzerland

Wenn wir morgens unser Amazing Macaffeepulver in die Tasse schütten , kommt schon richtig Vorfreude auf. Den intensiven Geschmack spürt man schon beim Nippen.😃 dieses heisse Vergnügen am Morgen bringt uns in Schwung und wir trinken immer weniger den normalen Kaffee. Unsere Gesundheit und Fitness dankt es uns. Auf den Macaffee möchten wir nicht mehr verzichten 😊😋

Kerstin B.

Schon lange nehme ich Energie Drinks um bei meiner unternehmerischer Tätigkeit fit zu bleiben. Bis zu 6 Energie Drinks habe ich pro Tag getrunken. Schon nach dem ersten Macaffee habe ich sofort gmerkt das ich wacher bin und mehr Energie habe, ohne den gewohnten Energie Einbruch den ich oft bei den Energie Drinks gespürt habe. Am nächsten Tag habe ich gleich am Morgen einen Macaffee getrunken und mir auch wie gewohnt einen Energie Drink gemacht. Über den ganzen Tag war ich konzentriert, wach und voller Energie! Der gewohnte Energie Drink stand Mittags um 4 immer noch unangetastet auf dem Tisch.

Christel O.

Ich nehme das Cocos Divine seit 3 Tagen, immer am Morgen. Ich habe sofort festgestellt das ich Fitter bin und viel länger Energie für meine Aktivitäten habe. Auch ist meine Verdauung um einiges besser geworden. Man fühlt sich einfach gut!

Cornelia K

“Gerade in der momentanen Situation war es mir wichtig etwas zusätzliche für mein Immun System zu tun. Pillen oder auch bittere Säfte waren für mich doch rechjt schwierig zu nehmen. IQ-Immun hat mich durch den leckeren Geschmack und auch durch die Aufklärung der Bio-Verfügbarkeit überzeugt.”

Michael K
Aus Donaueschingen

“Wären der momentanen Corona Situation habe ich täglich die Fallzahlen verfolgt. Mit 69 Jahren war ich recht besorgt, da die meisten Sterbefälle auf die älteren Menschen fallen. Ich hatte mich viel belesen welch Auswirkungen ein negativer Säure- Basenhaushalt und schwaches Immun System auf die Viruserkrankung haben kann. Es war mir dann klar das mann Sie zu den Masken und Abstands Regeln, von Innen mit einem starken Immun System schützen muss. Die Wirkstoffe und die Liposom Technologie in IQ Immun haben mich dann überzeugt.”

Milena I

“With the current Situation around the Virus Infections, combined with the upcoming Winter seasons, I was really concerned about my health and especially the health of my family. I have a full time job with two kids and I was searching for an effective solution to strengthen the Immun System for me and my partner. We learned a great deal from UR-Vitality about Immunity and efficacy of the ingredients. Now it is just normal for me and my partner to have 1 shot in the morning and 1 in the afternoon and to know that we are walking the responsible way to do something extra to protect us and others.”

Nancy R

“Mit einem kleinen Kind ist es mir sehr wichtig das ich mein Immun System stärke, um so das Risiko einer Ansteckung oder Krankheit zu reduzieren. Ich habe auch viel geschäftlich mit Menschen zu tun und war natürlich besorgt wie ich meine Gesunderhaltung fördern kann. IQ Immun schmeckt echt lecker und die Kombination der ungewöhnlichen Pflanzen Wirkstoffen hat mir die Entscheidung leicht gemacht”