
MightyYU is the 1st “Healthy Energy Drink“ without caffeine. We combine Ayurveda with the latest, nature inspired nano technology for optimized delivery and efficacy in your body! To take advantage of the wealth of health benefits found in spices is a very challenging task. Especially the unpleasant digestive issue or disturbing sensations in our respiratory tract does restrict the use of spices to a minimum. By incorporating our unique CDMT© Technology, we have been able to create a nano-scale shield around the ingredients in MightyYU.

Now you can take advantage of the power of spices, which delivery Energy, Concentration and Performance without having to worry of the potential negative side effects caused by caffeine. Enjoy MightyYU cold or as hot punch! You have never tasted something Like MightyYU, and it just works!



Up to6Hours without Caffeine!


Up to5Xhigher Energy Production and Oxygen Support through synergetic action of spieces and vitamin.


Up to60Minutes constant release of natural Nitrates & Flavonoide to support Oxygen Transport, Read More
Immune Protect

Immune Protect

Immune Protect
More than 10Xhigher efficacy and bio-availability Of Vitamin C and Anthocyanins for Cell Protection support of Read More

What is unqiue about MightyYU

The most potent natural extracts are poorly absorbed in our body. Only a small fraction reaches our cells and the rest being lost On the ways through our digestive system. So we need to shift our attention NOT on how much is written on the package, but rather Ask: How much reaches our cell and delivers the promised results?

Delivery to the cell

The video displays the effect when we consume potent active ingredients such as Curcumin, Resveratrol, Cinnamon…in a form of a pill Or capsule or even in liquid form. It reaches the digestive tract where most of the actives are destroyed. What follows is the CDMT Technology, Where the MightyYU ingredients are encapsulated and protected so they can safely reach the cell level where they can release their results.


MightyYu Ingredients


Beetroot extract

Beetroot is a very good source of vitamins A, C, B and folic acid. Beetroot extract mainly contains betaine, as well as anthocyanins and nitrate, which can have a very positive influence on the cognitive function and the cardiovascular system, especially for people with over 50. Years of age.¹ The ingredients in beetroot also promote the formation of the mitochondria (power stations of the cell). The more mitochondria we have, the more efficient we are. Those who have more mitochondria in an advanced age, age more slowly and stay younger. In addition, the more healthy mitochondria we have, the more vital we feel.

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Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

Shatavari Extract

Asparagus racemosus (A. racemosus) is a plant of the Liliaceae family that is well known in India as Satawar, Satamuli, and Satavari. It is also known as Satawar, Satamuli, and Satavari in other countries. Shatavari is a common herbal remedy that people use to treat a variety of ailments. Asparagus racemosus is one of the most extensively used adaptogens, a type of plant that has shown to improve health by raising energy, immunity, and vigour. As per Ayurveda, Shatavari is used to increase Sattva (healing energy) in the body. It also increases Ojas, which is the subtle essence of all vital fluids responsible for health, vitality, strength, longevity, immunity, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. Shatavari boosts vital energy in the body and mind because it increases Ojas. It infuses tissues with strength and endurance, and it protects the health and vitality of cells, affecting and influencing all bodily functions and physiological processes.

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Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

Ginger Extract

Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is a common and widely used spice. It is rich in various chemical constituents, including phenolic compounds, terpenes, polysaccharides, lipids, organic acids, and raw fibers. The health benefits of ginger are mainly attributed to its phenolic compounds, such as gingerols, paradols and shogaols. Ginger extract contains a number of different phenolic compounds, some of which have displayed antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, energy boosting and antioxidant activities.

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Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

Chilli Pepper Extract

A naturally occurring phytochemical, capsaicin is one of the active ingredients in red and chili peppers. It is a plant originating in the Americas. Peppers are widely used as a spice in cooking around the world. Capsaicin are odourless, white crystals with extreme burning pungency. The capsaicin is reported to have benefits in increasing metabolism by burning fats, prevent the reduction in energy expenditure, relieving topical pain, and reducing insulin spikes in diabetes.

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Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

Vitamin C

Vitamin C gained its popularity mainly through research work of, and the associated Nobel Prize winner, Linus Paulin. It is still one of the best-known vitamins, known for its property of promoting the normal function of the immune system, to protect DNA, proteins and lipids from free radicals¹⁰, and to make an important contribution to supporting the energy metabolism in our body.⁹

Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

Green Tea Extract

According to tradition, the consumption of green tea goes back around 5000 years. ShenNung, the Chinese emperor followed his habit and drank a hot cup of water like every day. By chance, a flower of the "Camellia Sinensis" got into his cup and prepared for him an unknown but soothing taste. Before the drink was available to everyone, as it is today, it was only made available to influential and wealthy people. Today, green tea extracts are used more and more to support the energy budget and weight management.

Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

Black carrot extract

Black carrots, scientifically known as Daucus carota L, belong to the Apiaceae family with mostly aromatic flowering plants named after the genus Apium and commonly known as celery. They are a source of natural food colouring, originating mostly from Turkey and other regions of the Middle East and Asia. Carrots were first grown in Afghanistan about 1,100 years ago, and the flesh of these carrots was purple. It was not until the 16th century when the Dutch began selecting certain carrot seeds that were specially bred for an orange carrot. The pigments that give black carrots their colour are anthocyanins, which recent research suggests to have amazing various health benefits. In addition to phenolic and anthocyanin compounds, black carrots are rich in vitamins C and E, which greatly contributes to antioxidant activity, which prevents or inhibits oxidation by scavenging free radicals and reducing oxidative stress.

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Dekorationsvorschlag / Decoration Suggestion

MightyYu Healthy Cell Energy

  • Concentration
  • Immune Protect
  • Performance
  • Energy

Key Ingredients

  • Beetroot extract
  • Black carrot extract
  • Shatavari Extract
  • Green Tea
  • Ginger Extract
  • Chilli Pepper Extract
  • Vitamin C
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We are proud to share happy stories

Schwarzwald Baar Kreis, Deutschland

Cocos Divine: Was soll ich sagen, ich bin begeistert. Ich fühle mich irgendwie leichter und sehr wohl. Am Umfang hat sich auch was getan. Ich habe an den Beinen jeweils 1-2cm verloren, an der Taile waren es sogar 3cm und am Bauch 2cm 😊 also wirklich ganz toll und es schmeckt auch wirklich sehr lecker

H. Jonscher
Thurgau - Switzerland

Wenn wir morgens unser Amazing Macaffeepulver in die Tasse schütten , kommt schon richtig Vorfreude auf. Den intensiven Geschmack spürt man schon beim Nippen.😃 dieses heisse Vergnügen am Morgen bringt uns in Schwung und wir trinken immer weniger den normalen Kaffee. Unsere Gesundheit und Fitness dankt es uns. Auf den Macaffee möchten wir nicht mehr verzichten 😊😋

Kerstin B.

Schon lange nehme ich Energie Drinks um bei meiner unternehmerischer Tätigkeit fit zu bleiben. Bis zu 6 Energie Drinks habe ich pro Tag getrunken. Schon nach dem ersten Macaffee habe ich sofort gmerkt das ich wacher bin und mehr Energie habe, ohne den gewohnten Energie Einbruch den ich oft bei den Energie Drinks gespürt habe. Am nächsten Tag habe ich gleich am Morgen einen Macaffee getrunken und mir auch wie gewohnt einen Energie Drink gemacht. Über den ganzen Tag war ich konzentriert, wach und voller Energie! Der gewohnte Energie Drink stand Mittags um 4 immer noch unangetastet auf dem Tisch.

Christel O.

Ich nehme das Cocos Divine seit 3 Tagen, immer am Morgen. Ich habe sofort festgestellt das ich Fitter bin und viel länger Energie für meine Aktivitäten habe. Auch ist meine Verdauung um einiges besser geworden. Man fühlt sich einfach gut!

Cornelia K

“Gerade in der momentanen Situation war es mir wichtig etwas zusätzliche für mein Immun System zu tun. Pillen oder auch bittere Säfte waren für mich doch rechjt schwierig zu nehmen. IQ-Immun hat mich durch den leckeren Geschmack und auch durch die Aufklärung der Bio-Verfügbarkeit überzeugt.”

Michael K
Aus Donaueschingen

“Wären der momentanen Corona Situation habe ich täglich die Fallzahlen verfolgt. Mit 69 Jahren war ich recht besorgt, da die meisten Sterbefälle auf die älteren Menschen fallen. Ich hatte mich viel belesen welch Auswirkungen ein negativer Säure- Basenhaushalt und schwaches Immun System auf die Viruserkrankung haben kann. Es war mir dann klar das mann Sie zu den Masken und Abstands Regeln, von Innen mit einem starken Immun System schützen muss. Die Wirkstoffe und die Liposom Technologie in IQ Immun haben mich dann überzeugt.”

Milena I

“With the current Situation around the Virus Infections, combined with the upcoming Winter seasons, I was really concerned about my health and especially the health of my family. I have a full time job with two kids and I was searching for an effective solution to strengthen the Immun System for me and my partner. We learned a great deal from UR-Vitality about Immunity and efficacy of the ingredients. Now it is just normal for me and my partner to have 1 shot in the morning and 1 in the afternoon and to know that we are walking the responsible way to do something extra to protect us and others.”

Nancy R

“Mit einem kleinen Kind ist es mir sehr wichtig das ich mein Immun System stärke, um so das Risiko einer Ansteckung oder Krankheit zu reduzieren. Ich habe auch viel geschäftlich mit Menschen zu tun und war natürlich besorgt wie ich meine Gesunderhaltung fördern kann. IQ Immun schmeckt echt lecker und die Kombination der ungewöhnlichen Pflanzen Wirkstoffen hat mir die Entscheidung leicht gemacht”